
KinetiX Inspection Technologies│Wabtec Corporation

A first step in yard transformation: Visualization​

Automate asset tracking in yards and terminals.

Knowing the status of railcars in the yard is critical to delivery performance. And yet at many rail yards, the process to track cargo is manual and inefficient – directly increasing cycle time and cost.

KinetiX Yard System is a powerful computer vision system that utilizes artificial intelligence-enabled video images to track and trace railcars in the yard and allows railroads to execute plans in response to real-time conditions.

Transforming Yard Operations
KinetiX Inspection Technologies - Yard│Wabtec Corporation
Technology Components​
  • Cameras: Off-the-shelf cameras, low cost, interchangeable with exiting hardware.​
  • Edge Computing: Real-time processing, NVIDIA graphics processing units (standard equipment), IoT connectivity.​
  • Artificial Intelligence Models & Algorithms: Deep learning OCR, asset track & trace, operational statistics, movement alerts.​
  • Connectivity: Rajant Mesh, yard/terminal wide connectivity multi-node connectivity, data synchronization for analytics, modular / API integration, integration with back-end systems, such as TMS.​
  • User Interface: Yard manager console, mobile integration, dashboards, reports, alerts, SMS, text messages.
KinetiX Inspection Solutions: Yard

Key Advantages

Wabtec Corporation
Increase Crew & Management Productivity

Automate administrative and repeatable tasks.

Wabtec Corporation
Expand Visibility

Real-time railcar status. ​

Wabtec Corporation
Increase Asset Velocity & Reduce Dwell

Eliminate information flow bottlenecks for improved asset cycle time

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Wabtec KinetiX Inspection Technologies

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