IMO II Emissions Compliant Series

Proud to Power

Reliable, fuel-efficient and durable engine power solution for the marine industry. Meeting the most stringent emissions levels with NO urea after-treatment.

Our marine diesel engines have been deployed in some of the world’s most challenging industrial environments and are proven to be among the most dependable, durable and fuel-efficient engines available in the market.

Key Benefits:

  • Durable engine design to support extended maintenance and overhaul intervals
  • Easy to service through large doors on mainframe to access crankcase; camshafts that are arranged in individual sections; a sectional exhaust manifold and a unitized cylinder assembly concept
  • Reliable engines with rugged construction and quality assured parts
  • Fuel efficient through a high-capacity turbocharger, electronic fuel injection and efficient combustion management by our EC2+ engine controller
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Wabtec Marine Diesel Engines

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